Toko baju super murah menjual pakaian berkwalitas dan termurah

background gambar tidak putih

kmarin habis update driver pas saya buka picture  kok backgroud belakang tidak putih 

dan bagian dalem picture yg seharusnya bewarna putih juga jadi ikutan kaya warna krem gitu

setelah googling dapet nih caranya, biar gak lupa saya tempel di sini :

*lcd saya samsung

  1. open control panel
  2. type color in the search bar and click on the green color management link
  3. in the dialog that appears tick the box under your monitor name which says “use my settings for this device”
  4. click on the add button
  5. There will appear a list of color profiles. You want to select sRGBIEC611966-2.1 and click ok
  6. click on the set as default profile button and then close button

21 Maret 2014 - Posted by | Cuap cuap

1 Komentar »

  1. mantap….

    Komentar oleh ryan | 15 Maret 2015 | Balas

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